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The 5 best Amazon deals you can get this Wednesday

Looking for better ways to kill time at home? The best deals on Amazon offer a little something for everyone and can be the perfect way to get your shopping fix while also helping you save on useful stuff for around the house. From surge protectors to smart speakers with an incredible display, these items are among Amazon's most highly rated and are on sale for some of their biggest discounts yet. Ready for a fun distraction? Here are the five biggest Amazon sales happening today.

See the full list from Shayna Murphy on USA Today's website here.


December 3, 2023

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USA Today

Media Mentions from USA Today

USA TODAY NETWORK is the largest local-to-national digital media organization in the country. USA TODAY, our national flagship brand, sits at the center of the NETWORK, surrounded by hundreds of local media properties reporting on the stories and cultural moments happening across America and in our communities.

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It absolutely works like a charm whether you’re sitting in the backyard or hiking deep in the woods.

Diva Anwari
Contributor for MSN.

Media Mentions

If you have some that isn’t pre-treated with permethrin, you can buy some to spray on your own netting/clothing before use.

The RV Geeks

Media Mentions

“We tested this bug repellent on park outings and used it for a long day of yard work. It earns high marks for effectiveness, keeping us protected from any bug bites, even despite exposure to sweat,” The Spruce says.

Dawn Magyar
NJ Advance Media for