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How to Get Rid of Ticks Near Your Yard, House, and Body Any Time of Year

Ticks can easily set up shop near your home, but these tips can keep them away and help prevent a bite.

There are few things more horrifying than finding a tick crawling on you—except maybe one that’s already bitten and attached. That’s because tick-borne illnesses like Lyme disease are on the rise across the U.S., and they come with unpleasant symptoms, like rashes, joint and muscle pain, dizziness, and headaches.

While tick bites can be scary, there are things you can do to prevent them. It’s important to note that ticks can be highly active anywhere between March and November, so you should be vigilant beyond summer if you’re in a known tick habitat, like deciduous forests or grassy areas.

The first step? Avoid the grief altogether by defending your yard, clothes, and skin from the blood-sucking pests. From landscaping tips to the best repellent to full-body checks, here’s how to get rid of ticks once and for all.

Read the full article by Jessica Migala on Prevention's website here.


December 3, 2023

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