The Sawyer MINI, Dual Threaded MINI, and Micro Squeeze are rated up to 100,000 gallons. The Sawyer Squeeze comes with a lifetime warranty from manufacturer defects for the life of the filter. The warranty is on the filter itself, not the other parts or accessories that come with your system.
If you have purchased any of our water filtration products that came with our One Million-Gallon Guarantee. We will of course honor that commitment to you.
We are proud to say that throughout the millions of filters which we have shipped in the U.S. retail market and throughout the world for disaster relief and for home use in developing nations very few have ever been returned for damage to the filter as a result of our handling or in distribution. Each of our filters is tested 3 times to ensure that they will work as claimed. Not some random statistical testing but every single filter is tested three times at three different quality control points throughout its assembly process.

To help you enjoy your filter experience let us share with you the three most common issues which arise with these filters.
1) “The filter is so clogged that it must be defective”. We have yet to receive a filter or be unable to talk a customer through the process to clean and fully restore a clogged filter. Consumers often confuse our filters with other brand hollow fiber membrane filters which cannot be cleaned as aggressively as our filters can. If you follow the cleaning and storing instructions you will be able to fully enjoy the Sawyer filters for a lifetime.
2) “It leaks at the intake”. The intake side of the screw on filters come with a washer to buffer a snug fit with the dirty water vessel. Some people are prone to over tightening the connection (and you know who you are) and thus they unseat the washer either causing it to jam up into the filter or fall out. With just a reasonable tightening of the filter to the vessel, this will not happen. The washers are replaceable if you damage or lose one.
3) “I froze the filter, is it still good”? The simple answer is no. There is no way to know if the fibers were damaged when frozen. The test to find out is very expensive and far greater than the value of the filter. Therefore, it is best to replace the filter. The instructions clearly states that freezing the filter after wetting voids the warranty. If a filter has never been used then freezing will not affect the fibers. But once water is introduced to the filter, it will never completely dry out.
We hope these tips help you enjoy and use your Sawyer filter safely and to the full extent of its capabilities.
Please contact Sawyer Customer Service via the webform below before sending in a filter or product for review. Physical damage is not covered in our Lifetime Warranty from manufacturer defects. Sawyer reserves the right to deny service to any or all products received that are improperly packaged, non-warrantied models, sent in without prior approval, and/or sent in during weather that could further damage the product. Products sent in for review without authorization, sufficient contact information, or remain unclaimed for 30 days will be disposed of.