Waterborne Illness Reduction
Liters Filtered a Day
Years Lifespan per System
Our International Distributors
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Equipak International SRL

CRT Ltda.
Maria Luisa Santander 566 Providencia, Santiago, Chile

Ecotrading Importação, Exportação e Logística S/A

Waves For Water

One ATTA Time

The Bucket Ministry

How to
Get Involved
Donate to Sawyer Foundation
Your gift provides clean water to communities in developing countries through Sawyer's water filters and bucket systems. These are saving lives all over the world by combining our water filters with the tubing and accessories needed to convert a 5-gallon bucket into a low-cost and long-lasting gravity water filtration system.
Become a Partner
We have the life changing water filtration technology but we also need more help getting these filters installed around the world. Join us on our mission to change the world by partnering with us to help bring clean water to those in need.
Rotary: Sawyer
Sawyer is proud to partner with Rotary Clubs around the world. Learn how Rotary is working toward the UN Millennium Development Goal of bringing clean, safe drinking water to everyone. Join your local Rotary Club’s effort or get your club involved.
Charities and Churches
We are fortunate to work with a variety of charities and churches who are on a mission to make a long lasting impact in the lives of those around the world without access to clean drinking water. See how your charity or church can help bring clean water and hope to developing nations.
Get to Know Sawyer
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