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What do you give an outdoors adventurer who has everything? We have a few ideas

Getting a gift for the outdoors adventurers in your life can be tricky. This is a group, after all, that is known for being extremely well-prepared to strike off into nature, and who might be very particular about their gear.

That doesn’t mean you need to resort to a gift card to REI (though that isn’t a bad idea). Instead, think about what kind of gear needs to be replaced regularly, or look for items that can be stocked for the future. There are also those items that outdoors enthusiasts either don’t think to buy for themselves, or don’t worry about until the need arises.

Whichever direction you go, the key here is practicality. Those kitschy checkout-lane items might be fun for a casual camping trip, but most people who are serious about backpacking, hiking or adventuring won’t want to bring along superfluous items that will just add extra weight to their packs.

Read here for a few gift ideas for the outdoors adventurer in your life who already has everything.


October 20, 2023

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