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Onslow veteran, minister to walk, run and bike 50 miles to raise money for clean water in Peru

James Grayson, a USMC veteran and minister, will walk, run and bike a total of 50 miles in a single day to raise support for clean water in remote villages in Peru.

During his "50/50 Clean Water Challenge," every $50 donated provides clean water for a whole family for up to 20 years. Grayson and his wife, Crystal, are the founders of Kingdom Ventures, International, a U.S. nonprofit on a mission to bring hope and clean water to families in Peru who are plagued by waterborne illnesses from drinking water that is untreated and frequently contaminated.

The couple has been providing Sawyer PointOne Bucket filter systems to families in and around Iquitos Peru since 2021. These filters last about 20 years and provide over 100,000 gallons of fresh, clean water, which stops the spread of waterborne diseases.

Learn more about the cause & story here.


December 8, 2023

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The Daily News Staff

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