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5 Must-Have Items for Kids this Spring & Summer

You always think you have everything you need, then you get to where you are going and realize that you forgot to pack something essential. Maybe you make it work, maybe you end up driving all the way home to get it, or maybe you end up not doing whatever it was you were going to. Want to know the must-have items for kids this spring and summer?

With kids, it feels like you are packing almost everything but the kitchen sink! While we tend to forget things, or as our little guy grows, find things that we now need to bring, here are a few of our must-have items for kids when going fishing, scouting, or hiking that we like to throw in a bag and hang on a hook and easily grab when we go out.

Find the full article written by Susie Busta here.


April 15, 2024

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Susie Busta

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