Oregon Desert Trail Backpacking and Thru-Hiking Guide

Distance: 750 miles (mileage varies depending on route alternatives)

Time to hike the entire trail: 5 - 7 weeks

Elevation gain:  72,000’

Elevation loss: 73,500’

High Point: 9,570’ (Steens Mountain)

Low Point: 2,664’ (Owyhee Reservoir)

Best season: Spring or Fall

Permits: A backcountry camping permit for the Hart Mountain Antelope Refuge is required if you camp outside an established camping area.

Difficulty: Strenuous

Continue reading to learn more, written by Mike Unger & Naomi Hudetz.


November 1, 2024

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Mike Unger & Naomi Hudetz

Contributing Writers

Mike Unger & Naomi Hudetz are contributing writers.

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