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MassLive: What are the best bug sprays, candles and shields? Top picks mosquito, tick, insect repellants

Temperatures across the country are starting to hit proper spring and summer weather. While that means an uptick in outdoor activities, it also means a rise in mosquitos, ticks and other bugs. So what’s the best way to prevent insects from messing with your time outside? There are a number of different options depending on your activities.

Bug spray is the primary option for those on the move, be it for hikes are runs. The most effective sprays are the ones that use DEET or picaridin. If you’re sitting outside on a deck or patio, you’ll probably be the in market for heavier, stationary options. Those range from clothing to cartridge-fueled canisters.

Here’s a rundown of the best insect repellent options on the market.

See the full article from Nick O'Malley on MassLive's website here.


October 29, 2023

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It absolutely works like a charm whether you’re sitting in the backyard or hiking deep in the woods.

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