Mother’s Day Gift Guide: The Best Outdoor Gear For Adventurers

Whether it’s backpacking over peaks and through valleys, bicycling through forest preserves, or running around the neighborhood, consider an outdoorsy gift for the women in your life this Mother’s Day. The below items will prove to be not only useful, but also, fun to take out for a spin in the wilderness.

Schwinn E-Bike

Leaders in quality-made bikes, Schwinn has been a recognizable name for over 125 years. And, since e-bikes are all the rage right now, surprise your mom with a brand-new ride, $1,600- $2,100. Choose from a standard step-over or a step-thru style. The Coston DX, which runs for 45 miles on one charge, is the premium offering, however the Coston CE and the Marshall are other great options as well. All bikes are equipped with headlights, taillights, and integrated downtube lights so that your mom will be safe while riding. Having access to extra power will allow your mom to be outside longer while enjoying commuting from point A to point B in town or while traveling on a path in the outdoors.

Girlfriend Collective

Designed to stretch and move when you do, Girlfriend Collective, leaders in athletic wear for women of diverse sizes, has a new spring line that is perfect for Mother’s Day. From the best-selling compression leggings and matching tops to sporty dresses, biking and hiking shorts, windbreakers, and more, the styles here come in a variety of fun colors that your mom will love. The Droplet Compressive High-Rise Legging, $78, is made from 25 recycled water bottles. These stretchy gam covers are perfect for yoga or for working out at the gym.


If your mom is someone who spends multiple days in the backcountry, make sure she’s drinking clean and safe water. Sawyer makes the best filtration systems out there, keeping viruses, heavy metals, chemicals, and other contaminants out of the drinking water. Get your mom the most popular Squeeze Water Filtration System, $39, which comes with a lifetime warranty and a reusable BPA-free collapsible pouch, and your mom will be ready to hit the trails.

Continue reading the complete article written by Wendy Altschuler here


October 24, 2024

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