Gear Junkie magazine has named our Sawyer Squeeze Water Filter "Best in Show" of 2012's "Latest and Greatest Outdoor Gear." Gear Junkie put a multitude of outdoor gear to the test, but only selected "products for 2012 that represent true innovation in the outdoors industry and some of the neatest new gear ever made." They gave our water filter system a glowing review, calling it "super intuitive and easy to use." Thanks, Gear Junkie!

Check out the full article here.


October 21, 2024

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Gear Junkie

Media Mentions from Gear Junkie

GearJunkie is the top source for news, adventure stories, and product reviews in the outdoors world., launched in 2006, contains thousands of pages of content -- gear reviews, news, travel and adventure stories, a video section, photo galleries, and giveaway contests. Gear Junkie is owned and operated by Monopoint Media LLC, a company founded in 2006 by journalist Stephen Regenold and two business partners.

GearJunkie leads the outdoor industry in breaking news and product reviews in the active-lifestyle world. From offices in Denver and Minneapolis, GearJunkie’s journalists, writers, and video producers advance the conversation online and beyond. Millions of monthly readers follow GearJunkie and engage through our active social and newsletter channels. We also produce events and publish a weekly syndicated column distributed in print newspapers around the U.S.

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