7 Things to Take on your Yellowstone Vacation

After many trips to Yellowstone, Grand Teton, Glacier and the Black Hills, we've created the ultimate list or our favorite things to bring along.

Squeeze Water Filter

Weighing just 3 oz., the Squeeze Water Filter ensures you have access to clean water during any hike. Fill up your pouch at a lake, stream, or river, screw the filter onto the pouch and squeeze the bag to filter water into a bottle. $34.95; sawyer.com

Read the full list from Yellowstone Park's Tori Peglar here.


October 27, 2023

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Outside Online

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Outside covers travel, sports, gear, and fitness, as well as the personalities, the environment, and the style and culture of the outdoors.

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Before setting foot in the outdoors, pre-treat your clothing (boots, socks, pants, shirts, jackets, etc), tent and other gear with permethrin - but do not put it on your skin!

Outdoor Element
Contributing Writers

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Our current favorite is the Sawyer Squeeze, which we highly recommend grabbing for your trip.

Dave Collins
Founder, CEO & Editor-in-Chief

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[The Sawyer Squeeze] water filter system is the gold standard for many thru-hikers and backpackers across the globe.

Chris Carter
Senior Editor