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Enjoy outdoor summer activities safely with the best tick repellents

The summer months are ideal for outdoor activities such as trekking, having a cook-out in the park, and hitting the trail for a run. While spending time in nature gets you moving and can help improve your mood, it also comes with a certain level of risk, like getting sunburned, heatstroke, and being bitten by more bugs than you can count. But don't let the fear of these blood-sucking creatures keep you inside all summer. You can avoid insect bites if you take the correct precautions, such as using effective tick repellents and checking your entire body after being outside. We reviewed and compiled a list of the top tick repellents for 2022 to help you select one that meets all your needs, and make it so you don’t have to compromise on your outdoor activities because you’re afraid of ticks.

Read the full artilce written by Amanda Sharpe here.


October 22, 2023

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Amanda Sharpe

Yahoo Life

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