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Hiking 101: Everything You Need to Head for the Hills

Forget camping out on the sofa all winter. Discover the great outdoors with these daypacks, hiking shoes, and more.

ROARING FIREPLACES AND loads of television just waiting to be binged can be powerful motivators to hibernate indoors all winter, but don't do that. Don't miss out on the wondrous winter wilderness just because it's a little nippy outside. The rewards for venturing outdoors during this season are immeasurable. Trails take on a unique character this time of year, and they're much less crowded, too. America has never had more public wilderness set aside for your enjoyment than it does right now, and no matter where you live, there are most likely trails near you.

Yet getting started can be daunting. Fear not. It's easier than you might think to stay dry, warm, hydrated, and safe. In this guide, we have recommendations for everything you need to take to the outdoors, whether it's just a peaceful afternoon hike or a roving weekend-long backpacking trip.

Be sure to check out the complete hiking gear list, written by Matt Jancer here.


October 20, 2023

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It absolutely works like a charm whether you’re sitting in the backyard or hiking deep in the woods.

Diva Anwari
Contributor for MSN.

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If you have some that isn’t pre-treated with permethrin, you can buy some to spray on your own netting/clothing before use.

The RV Geeks

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“We tested this bug repellent on park outings and used it for a long day of yard work. It earns high marks for effectiveness, keeping us protected from any bug bites, even despite exposure to sweat,” The Spruce says.

Dawn Magyar
NJ Advance Media for