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Why We Love Sawyer Permethrin Premium Insect Repellent

Sawyer Permethrin Premium Insect Repellent is used on clothing, not skin, and it provides long-lasting protection against ticks.

Vile, horrible, insidious, and disgusting are just a few of the words I use to describe ticks. There is absolutely nothing to like about these awful, disease-ridden insects. They range in size from a sesame seed to a poppy seed. And they can infect you with any number of terrible ailments, such as Lyme, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, babesiosis, anaplasmosis, or Powassan virus. Because ticks are so small, it’s difficult to feel them on the skin. And their actual bite—which they perform with a horrific, saw-like mouth (video)—is often undetectable.

My loathing of ticks is based on personal experience. I live in a rural area and spend a lot of time outdoors in the woods and in my fields. I’ve been treated for Lyme and other tick-related ailments on at least five separate occasions, and two of those involved full, 30-day courses of doxycycline, which is its own special nightmare.
I conduct nightly tick checks on my kids, and I watch them like a hawk for Lyme symptoms. I pull ticks off of my cats and my sheep, and anytime I’m outdoors with someone, I remind them to check themselves when they get home.

Regular bug repellent works on ticks (we recommend Sawyer Products Premium Insect Repellent), but I supplement that with Sawyer Permethrin Premium Insect Repellent.

Interested in learning more about Sawyer Permethrin? Explore the entire article written by Doug Mahoney here.


December 3, 2023

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