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Our 100 Most Popular Picks October 2022

In October, our readers showed us that they like to plan ahead. Electric toothbrushes were especially popular—perhaps an effort to prevent the frightful cavities waiting post–Halloween candy binge? Some readers might have had Thanksgiving dinner on their minds, considering that our favorite nonstick pan topped the list, while others looked even further to the future by picking up Christmas trees and Advent calendars. It never hurts to be prepared for the holidays!

Here are the 100 most popular Wirecutter picks in October, according to Wirecutter readers. Read it here.


October 5, 2023

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Wirecutter’s mission is to recommend what really matters. Each year, we independently test and review thousands of products to help you find just what you need. Our goal is to save you time and eliminate the stress of shopping, whether you’re looking for everyday gear or gifts for loved ones.

We strive to be the most trusted product recommendation service around, and we work with total editorial independence. We won’t post a recommendation unless our writers and editors have deemed something the best through rigorous reporting and testing.

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For a bug repellent that’s safe and effective—and that won’t stink or leave a puddle of oil on your skin—skip the DEET and get a picaridin formula, like Sawyer Products 20% Picaridin Insect Repellent.

Doug Mahoney

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Weighing only two ounces and easily fitting into the palm of your hand, the SP120 MINI water filter is designed to be prepared for the unexpected.

Austyn Dineen and John Dicuollo
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[Sawyer Picaridin] the best bottle of bug spray we found after testing over 25 repellents and talking to everyone from the EPA to the American Mosquito Control Association.

Wirecutter Staff