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Conclusion of Niamina Water Filter Project – The Gambia

This project has been completed under the direction of RPCV Jeremy Mak. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.

This project was designed to secure access to clean drinking water for small, underserved satellite villages in Gambia’s Niamina East District, all of whom rely exclusively on dirty, open wells due to hand pump failure or absence. Although the beneficiary communities shifted over time, the result was another remarkable success.

Jeremy writes:

“Through support from Water Charity at the National Peace Corps Association, we distributed Sawyer Point One household water filters to each compound in the 5 villages of Borehole, Si Kunda, Modikaya, Colley Kunda, and Sinchu Al-Haggi.

In total, this initiative reached approximately 648 people, restoring clean drinking water to 3 communities, and bringing clean water for the first time to 2 additional villages.

Before the distribution of Sawyer filters, each community was resigned to resort to drinking directly from open wells, sources of potentially fatal waterborne diseases like dysentery and diarrhea. Simple, effective, and long-lasting solutions to filtering water and preventing such illnesses—such as the Sawyer Filter—are game changers for poor, remote communities like these.

Continue reading the full article abotu the Niamina Water Filter Project here.


March 15, 2024

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Water Charity

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