The 10 Best Natural Insect Repellents and Bug Sprays for Travel

Natural insect repellents offer a more skin-friendly alternative to DEET bugs sprays that often contain potentially damaging chemicals. Natural ingredients such as citronella, peppermint, and lemongrass can be just as successful at keeping bugs at bay without the use of potentially harmful alternatives.

Whether you are planning on enjoying summer evenings at home or traveling overseas, a good insect repellent is worth its weight in gold to keep those nasty little bugs at bay.

What is Insect Repellent?

In simple terms, an insect repellent is a substance that can help to prevent the unwanted attention of little critters that may like to sting or bite you. They are designed to completely repel the bugs or minimize the effect of any contact by making the skin less attractive to a wide variety of pests.

There are many ways to apply insect repellent to your skin, as well as diffuse it into the air around you to help keep bugs away. The most common types of natural insect repellents include creams, lotions, and roll-ons, as well as lanterns, torches, diffusers, candles, and sprays.

Insect repellents don’t just help to prevent against annoying bites and stings, they can also offer a substantial layer of protection against the more serious side effects of interactions with bugs. These can include severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, and in some countries, they can even spread serious illnesses such as Lyme disease and malaria.

Insect repellents are a useful addition to your household, whether you are sitting at home on the deck on a balmy evening, taking a camping trip, or even just to throw into your children’s school bags. In certain parts of the world, they are an absolute necessity for your travel health.

Learn more about the 10 Best Natural Insect Repellents and Bug Sprays written by Amar Hussain by clicking here.


October 28, 2024

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