A look inside our annual adventure gift guide

There’s nothing better than getting outdoors.

But, as second choices go, getting to unwrap a new toy that you’ll use outside later isn’t all that bad.

So, here’s a chance to treat yourself or be a hero to someone else. We take a look at some new tools sure to be a hit in our annual adventure gift guide.

See the full list by Bob Frye on TribLIVE's website here.


October 20, 2023

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Before setting foot in the outdoors, pre-treat your clothing (boots, socks, pants, shirts, jackets, etc), tent and other gear with permethrin - but do not put it on your skin!

Outdoor Element
Contributing Writers

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Our current favorite is the Sawyer Squeeze, which we highly recommend grabbing for your trip.

Dave Collins
Founder, CEO & Editor-in-Chief

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[The Sawyer Squeeze] water filter system is the gold standard for many thru-hikers and backpackers across the globe.

Chris Carter
Senior Editor