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40 Best Gifts For Backpackers

Backpacking is one of my favorite activities to do in the summer! There is no other better feeling in the world than waking up surrounded by beautiful tall mountains on a lovely crisp summer day. I know how expensive backpacking gear can be, though, so I usually ask for gear every Christmas from my family. Backpacking gear is a great gift for outdoorsy people, and if you get high-quality gear, they will use it for years to come. So below, I list the best gifts for backpackers! These are things I have used myself for years, and I promise you that your loved one will love them!

Find Michelle's complete list of the best holiday gifts for backpackers here.


December 3, 2023

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Wandering Queen

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I help women hike, camp, and backpack. Whether you are just beginning or more advanced, The Wandering Queen community helps you get outdoors!

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