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6 Basic Survival Skills Every Prepper Should Learn

One of the most asked questions that I get here at The Village Prepper and the many forums that I frequent is: what are the most valuable skills a new prepper or survivalist should learn?

Skills, in general, are more important than gear and although talking about gear is fun, gear is there to supplement well-practiced skills.

We as a civilization have put ourselves at a disadvantage when it comes to surviving in the outdoors. Technology has continued to draw our attention away from our need to be in touch with nature.

We have made it easy to heat and cool our homes and get the food we need to survive. It is easy to become complacent, I wrote an article on this very subject and our issues with normalcy bias.

  • But what if the power goes out or when the supply lines come to a halt?
  • What if you are forced to bug out and head for the hills?
  • What will you do if something happens while you are at work and you have to get home on foot?

The specific skills or gear you need will always vary depending on your location and climate, but the skills listed below are necessary for just about anywhere you live. In this article I am just highlighting six of the top skills I think you should learn. I will cover each skill in-depth in future articles.

Don’t just try these skills once and call it good, you should practice these skills any chance you get. Remember, things become much more difficult when you are under stress so practice often. Continue about some of the basic survival skills here.


October 27, 2023

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The Village Prepper

Media Mentions from The Village Prepper

The Village Prepper is nestled in the rolling hills of the Ozarks. This project is my outlet for teaching, learning, and connecting with like-minded folks that want to be prepared for whatever life can throw at us.

I am a normal law-abiding citizen that lives a normal everyday life. I don’t have a bunker or an army of camouflage loners running around with guns. I do have a family and friends that I care about dearly and believe their safety is of the utmost importance.

I have seen the effects of disasters where the powers that be were not able to get help to those in need. I don’t want you to be in that situation. Prepare.

At The Village Prepper, I cover topics from urban, suburban, and homestead prepping to worldwide catastrophes. I try to cover things from the basics to the more advanced prepping scenarios. I also try to keep it simple and affordable.

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It absolutely works like a charm whether you’re sitting in the backyard or hiking deep in the woods.

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