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Getting into Gear and onto the Trail

In less than a week, I will be hiking the Appalachian Trail, and I’m pretty sure I’ll be making tweaks to my gear until the very last minute. The major items are locked in and have been for a while, so I’m really just trying to balance how much comfort I want in camp vs while I’m hiking. While I wait for permethrin to dry, here is some of my gear and thoughts about it.

DISCLAIMER: I have not been paid or sponsored by anyone to use or review their gear. I bought all this gear myself and any commentary is purely my personal opinion. I’m not a professional backpacker (though it sounds like a good job, where do I apply?) so take my opinions with a dehydrated meal worth of salt and find what works for you!


Filter – Sawyer Squeeze

A pretty common choice for the trail. I have tried it out and I’m very impressed! It is lightweight, easy to use, and compatible with so many peripherals. I will carry some Aquatabs for a backup purification option but I hope to never touch them.

Continue reading the full article written by Gabe here.


April 9, 2024

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For a bug repellent that’s safe and effective—and that won’t stink or leave a puddle of oil on your skin—skip the DEET and get a picaridin formula, like Sawyer Products 20% Picaridin Insect Repellent.

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