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Day 158 – Discomfort Is Where Growth Happens

The daylight woke me from my tent just before 7AM. I could hear the rushing of the river next to us. I was trying to perceive, based on sound alone, if the water was less intense than yesterday and if it might be crossable. It sounded hopeful. Nonetheless I was slow to get up. It was cold out and the process of rushing to ford a cold water crossing did not sound appealing.

I ate breakfast and realized Purple Pioneer was already up. She did not sleep well and had been reading FarOut comments about the water crossings today. I tried to reassure her the water would be lower today. I also 1/2 joked the longer we waited the lower it would get.

I ate breakfast and got more water from the river. It was indeed nearly a foot lower this morning. The flow had also seemed to abate some. Once we were packed up, I tested the water without my pack. I got nearly all the way across and decided it was a doable crossing so doubled back for my pack. Purple Pioneer was still apprehensive and decided to take a blue blaze around the water instead. It would be backtracking a little for her but I respect her decision. It wasn’t an easy call to make, because she had been purist like me up until this point.

Continue reading the complete update from Derek Witteman here.


October 20, 2023

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Derek Witteman

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