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The Best Tick-Repellent Products for Humans and Dogs

Or how to protect yourself without tucking your pants into your socks.

Spring has barely sprung yet, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be worried about ticks. Unfortunately, they can be active at any temperature above freezing. Places to watch out for include wooded areas and patches with tall grass and bushes, explains Dr. Goudarz Molaei, research scientist and director of the CAES Passive Tick Surveillance Program. It’s important to know that tick bites don’t just happen on the hiking trail. “Close to 75 percent of Lyme-disease cases have been reported from bites that occur in people’s own backyards,” Molaei explains.

There are some solid, science-backed ways to prevent the pests from latching on — as well as a couple of tools that’ll help you safely remove any that do break through your defenses. Here are the best ones I found.


October 4, 2023

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Katherine Gillespie

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