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The 10 Best Road Trips to Take in the United States

Gear up for your next road trip with Sawyer.

For as long as there have been cars to drive, there have been road trips. From Steinbeck's Travels with Charley: In Search of America to Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenace, hitting the open road has long been an American tradition.

These days, more people are exploring by car than ever before. Here are ten quintessential road trips from across the United States, presented courtesy of Sawyer.

Portland to Acadia National Park, Maine

Get a taste of coastal New England on this 3-hour road trip from the hipster city of Portland to the wild beauty of Acadia National Park. It's faster if you take the interstate, but what would be the fun in that? Drive the winding Coastal Route 1 to check out charming small towns and rocky beaches. Once you arrive in Acadia, plan plenty of time for hiking, biking on the old carriage roads, and eating in funky Bar Harbor.

Pacific Coast, Oregon

The Pacific Coast of Oregon is known as the "People's Coast" because it's Oregon State law that the entire coast is open to everyone. Get ready for a lush green landscape, kept vibrant by a humid climate and the salty sea spray. There are plentiful state parks along the way for exploration and camping, and the scattered coastal towns provide tasty local food and dozens of breweries.

Find the complete list of top road trip destinations here.


October 28, 2023

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The Outbound Collective

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