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Outdoors: Some of the latest and greatest turkey gear

Turkey hunting gear has sure changed a lot over the last 30 years. Shotguns are more specialized, and decoys are more realistic than ever.

Most importantly, in my opinion, is that spring hunters now have tick-repelling options that we couldn’t have even dreamed of, let alone wished for, back in the 90s.

Here are some top gear picks for the 2023 turkey season.

Introduced last spring, the Mossberg 940 Pro Turkey is one of the best turkey shotguns I’ve had the pleasure of using. It has everything a turkey gun needs and nothing it doesn’t.

The semi-auto 940’s gas-operating system has been upgraded over its 930 predecessor. All internal components have been nickel-boron coated for better reliability, and the bolt handle and bolt release button are enlarged for easier operation.

Other turkey-specific features include a Hi-Viz green fiber-optic front sight, tight-shooting extra-full choke, and complete Mossy Oak Greenleaf camo coverage.

Last spring I performed a rare turkey triple with the fast-shooting 940 on three gobblers that made the fatal mistake of being deceived by my calling and decoys. (It should be noted that this season Nebraska hunters are now limited to a total of only two turkeys, with a bag limit of only one bird per day.)

Speaking of decoys, the realism in today’s fakes was unimaginable when I started hunting turkeys. It’s laughable what passed for a decoy back in those days, especially when compared to what is available now.

Continue to read Jarrod Spilger's list of key turkey gear here.


October 22, 2023

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Jarrod Spilger

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