Style Scenario: A day on the trail from Dappered

What are you going to wear? Sometimes it’s good to look at a few suggestions then add your own tweaks and ideas. That’s what these are for. Your local mountains, forests and parks are teeming with trails and open air; a great salve for current sheltered and restricted conditions that are gradually easing, but still very much in-place for most of us. Hiking trails help open your mind and challenge your body, and aiding in the effort is your wardrobe. Aim for functional, breathable garments that are durable enough to handle a rock scramble but comfortable for all-day wear in variable temperatures.

See the full article from Jason P on here.


October 18, 2024

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Dappered is for guys who value and feel most comfortable in a classic, sharp, tailored style... but also value having a real savings account and retirement plan. Dappered is Affordable Men's Style.

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