“With the help of Disaster Aid Canada we were able to bring in 12 of your Point Zero Two Systems. We brought the kits from Victoria with us along with other aid into Dalla Township in Burma. We bought the buckets in the plastic market in Yangon and hired porters to take them to the village. Here are some photographs of us setting up the systems and giving them away. You have no idea of what a blessing this was for this village.

We set up this system at the beginning of Feb. We also had the instructions translated and printed up in Burmese. We are going back again next year with more aid. They are very poor and much of the area drinks water from ponds and ditches they dig by hand to collect the water from the rainy season. 17 children live in this wooden shack.”

– Stephen Fortner


October 21, 2023

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Stephen Fortner

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