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Keep the Critters Away With These Powerful Bug Sprays

You know the feeling — you’re hiking, climbing, or simply relaxing outdoors and you start to feel that tickle on your skin and hear the buzzing in your ear. Mosquitos are approaching, and they’re getting ready to strike.

Maybe they go for your elbow, or your ankle, or maybe the back of your knee where you can’t quite reach it in time. The tickle turns to an itch and you realize, ugh, they’ve bitten you. The mosquito has successfully bitten you and now you’re left with an irritating itchy bump that’s going to stick with you for a little while. Luckily, there are bug sprays that can protect you from this fate and keep the bugs at bay while you enjoy the outdoors.

There are several active ingredients that offer proven protection. The most common is DEET, which is time-tested but can have an unpleasant odor. Another option is Picaridin, which is effective and has minimal odor, but can be more expensive. Oil of lemon eucalyptus is a synthesized plant oil, making it a more natural option. While it is effective, it may need reapplication sooner than DEET or Picaridin. We’ve rounded up options in each category, so you can find the one that works best for you.

Whichever you choose, these bug sprays will ensure that those pesky insects won’t know what hit em’. Continue reading the complete article written by Taylor Galla here.


December 3, 2023

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