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The Lightest Tread Podcast Episode 10: Amiththan Sebarajah

Lightning bugs, reciprocity with the natural world and the contrived nature of 'wilderness'.

Posted by Paul Maughan-Brown

Paul chats to long distance hiker and 'recovering academic' Amiththan Sebarajah to gain his perspective on thru-hiking and discus how he frames that perspective against the complex and nuanced backdrop of his life experience as a first-generation immigrant and person of color.

As a boy Amiththan survived civil war in Sri Lanka before moving to Canada with his family. His life has followed many varied paths including academia, advocacy, and activism, but the paths he has most passion for are those he can follow across continents, one step at a time.

Amiththan has thru-hiked many of the world’s most famous long distance trails and offers a nuanced and considered perspective on what it is to thru-hike in the Social-political context of the modern world.

Check out the full podcast episode here.


October 3, 2023

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Paul Maughan-Brown

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