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10 Best Water Bottles for Hiking and Backpacking

Hiking, backpacking, and water bottles go hand in hand because hydration is so important for your comfort, safety, and performance in the backcountry. While you’d think choosing a water bottle for hiking or backpacking would be a simple affair, it’s anything but because there are so many options available and different styles of walking and hiking, from everyday use and day hiking to thru-hiking and traditional backpacking that require different hydration solutions. Hot weather, infrequent water sources, or the need to filter water further complicate the water bottle selection process.

With all these factors in mind, here are our top picks for hiking and backpacking water bottles. Be sure to read our selection guide below which delves deeply into the issues and needs that drive hiking and backpacking water bottle selection.

Read the full article here.


December 3, 2023

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Section Hiker

Media Mentions from Section Hiker

Philip Werner is a full-time outdoor author and backpacker who resides in New England. His website is ranked as the #1 Hiking and Backpacking Blog on the internet by in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021.

The name of this site, Section Hiker, refers to the Long Trail which I section hiked in 2008 and the Applachian Trail that I’m still working through. To date, I’ve completed 1400 miles of the AT and hope to complete all of the sections between Georgia and Maine someday. I’ve also hiked thru-hiked the TGO Challenge (Coast-to-Coast across Scotland) twice and I’m currently section hiking the Cape Wrath Trail, also in Scotland.

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It absolutely works like a charm whether you’re sitting in the backyard or hiking deep in the woods.

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