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Hitting The Open Road? These Are the Best RV and Trailer Accessories for Covid Camping

From solar panels and portable grills, to night vision cameras for safety, here’s what to pack for your social distance-friendly road trip

When the coronavirus cancelled international trips, cooped-up travelers decided to safely hit the open roads instead. So-called “Covid camping” went through the roof last year as more Americans switched to remote working, among other factors.

The RV Industry Association reported that wholesale shipments of recreational vehicles in June 2020 were up nearly 11% compared to June 2019.

The boom in trailer traveling was unexpected among hobbyists who “originally thought this was going to be a severe downturn in the hobby with initial lockdowns and campground closures and restrictions,” says Michigan-based retiree Terry Bone, who runs the vintage camper and trailer club, Tin Can Tourists, with his wife, Michelle. “We all were surprised to see quite the opposite.”

Geneva Long, founder and CEO of Bowlus, says sales inquiries “skyrocketed” to 4.5 times higher in 2020 than the previous year. The California-based company’s handmade high-end trailers go for upwards of $190,000, and it recently announced a new model, the Terra Firma (which starts at $265K), that won’t be ready to deliver until 2022 as high demand has pushed the production calendar.

“We’re predicting that the trend is going to continue in 2021 and beyond,” Long tells Rolling Stone. “The Bowlus is always something that sparks the imagination for RV buyers, and demand for the winter season delivery is up significantly. Not only that, our purchasers are people who are new to RV’ing,” she says, including globetrotters with a renewed interest in domestic travel by land.

To find numerous RV and Trailer accessory suggestions, continue reading the full article written by Danielle Directo-Meston here.


October 21, 2023

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Rolling Stone

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