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Nicole’s Daily Dozen

Welcome to my favorite things! I love sharing information about the tools and resources I use every day, whether it’s during one of the wilderness survival skills classes I teach, an interview or podcast, or conversations on social media. Below are my “daily dozen” that I just can’t do without. I hope you love them as much as I do.

See Nicole Apelian's full list here.


October 29, 2023

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Survive Thrive

Media Mentions from Survive Thrive

Nicole Apelian, Ph.D.

Herbalist, biologist, anthropologist, researcher, mother, survival TV celebrity, traditional skills instructor, and author.

Following an unexpected diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in 2000, Nicole applied her scientific research skills towards her own personal wellness. She focuses on holistic wellness, which includes nature connection, gratitude, diet, and herbal remedies.

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Media Mentions

It absolutely works like a charm whether you’re sitting in the backyard or hiking deep in the woods.

Diva Anwari
Contributor for MSN.

Media Mentions

If you have some that isn’t pre-treated with permethrin, you can buy some to spray on your own netting/clothing before use.

The RV Geeks

Media Mentions

“We tested this bug repellent on park outings and used it for a long day of yard work. It earns high marks for effectiveness, keeping us protected from any bug bites, even despite exposure to sweat,” The Spruce says.

Dawn Magyar
NJ Advance Media for