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Water filtration systems for Reg. One community compliments of Rotary Demerara

It is a common saying, “Water is life,” and the residents of Imbotero, an Indigenous Community in Region One, now have 90 bucket filtration systems, compliments of a donation from the Rotary Club of Demerara.

Due to a partnership with the Rotary District 7030 Grant and the assistance of Toshao Anthony Lewis, the Rotary Club of Demerara provided access to safe drinking water to approximately 85 households, comprising a population of over 400 people.

The filters, purchased from Sawyer Products Incorporated, have been successfully utilized worldwide in many communities to provide residents with safe drinking water.

The club noted that the filters are small, easily portable, and can be attached to a standard faucet tap or hose spigot.

Additionally, water can be stored in a simple 20-liter bucket. The filters can filter more than 500 gallons of water daily, and proper use and maintenance will allow this filter to be used for more than ten years.

Despite the community being 400 kilometers from Georgetown, numerous Rotarians undertook the arduous journey to deliver, assemble and demonstrate proper use and maintenance to the residents.

Imbotero is an indigenous Warrau / Warao village and is close to Guyana and Venezuela border.

Continue reading the full article and learn about the use of Sawyer Filters here.


October 3, 2023

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