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Moms: Top Deet-Free Bug Sprays That Work To Keep Kids Bite-Free

Check out this list of DEET-free bug sprays that will help keep your kids bite-free all summer long.

Now that the warmer weather is here so are the bugs that come with it! Parents need to worry about bug spray for their kids as much as they need to worry about sunscreen, especially since many of these pesky summer bugs can carry diseases. Nothing can put a damper on fun summer excursion or day outside than a nasty bug bite so it's important to have a bug spray that not only works but is safe for your kids.

Mosquitos, chiggers, ticks and many other bugs that your children may be exposed to simply by playing outside can cause issues from mild irritation and itchiness to more severe issues like the Zika virus and Lyme disease. Parents want their kids playing outside and enjoying the warm weather but they also want them protected from these bites. Bug spray is important but so is one that is safe for kids to use.

Read the full article from Kelli Catana on's website here.


October 29, 2023

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