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11 Best Bug Repellents For Camping In 2023

These bug repellents will help protect you from pesky mosquitoes and outdoor insects.

Camping outdoors is a great way to take a break from your daily routine and rejuvenate. However, a problem that bugs a lot of new campers is, well, the bugs. Veteran campers tend to carry the best bug repellants for camping and other outdoor adventures, which can protect you from mosquito bites and other insects while you’re in the embrace of nature.

It’s crucial to shield yourself with the right oil, lotion, cream, or spray when camping. Here, we discuss some of the most effective bug repellants that will protect you from annoying and dangerous pests and make your vacation much more enjoyable.

Types Of Repellents

Before buying bug repellents, learn about the various types of repellents available in the market. They come in three basic types:

  1. Natural repellents: They are free from chemicals and are mostly made with natural ingredients like essential oils that are safe to use.
  1. Bands or bracelets: They are the safest repellents as you don’t have to apply on your skin. Just wear a band around your wrist or ankle to protect yourself from bugs.
  1. DEET repellents: They are widely used repellents in the United States and are known to be effective.

If you are interested in learning more about bug repellents for camping, Tikendrajit Pegu gives more information in his complete article here. 


December 3, 2023

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