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Insect Repellent for Field Professionals: Picaridin, Permethrin, DEET & Natural Home Remedies

When you work outdoors, insects are part of the job description — especially if you are a field professional. Depending on the location of the job, the insects you encounter can range from mildly annoying to potentially dangerous.

Choosing the right insect repellent is a necessity.

Whether you choose a natural remedy, synthetic repellent, or good old-fashioned DEET bath, here are some products and factors to keep in mind.

See the full article by Baseline Equipment on Medium's website here.


December 3, 2023

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Personally, I use Sawyer’s Fabric Treatment–available in pump or spray–for my hunting and hiking clothes.

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While young babies should be protected with clothing and netting (not chemicals), older babies and children should use a suitable repellent to help avoid bites, discomfort, and insect-borne illnesses.

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