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The 8 Best Mosquito Repellents in 2022

As exciting as the end of the cold winter months can be, it's hard to ignore the fact that warmer weather brings bugs — namely, mosquitoes.

If you live in an area where spending time outside in the summer means risking getting bitten by these tiny pests, you're probably used to taking some basic precautions to protect yourself.

In addition to covering as much skin as possible, using mosquito nets around your patio or room and avoiding standing bodies of water (read: emptying your bird bath), you should use a mosquito repellent that contains the right active ingredients. There are several highly effective repellents on the market today — you just need to know which ones to look for.

How We Choose

We asked Elmer Gray, an entomologist and public health specialist at the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service, and Diane S. Berson, MD, an associate professor in the department of dermatology at Weill Medical College of Cornell University and assistant attending dermatologist at New-York Presbyterian Hospital for their input on the best mosquito deterrents.

Their picks are based on a repellent's active ingredients, staying power and if the repellent is the right type of product for the context you'll use it in (more on all of this below).

Continue reading about some of the best mosquito repellents written by Sara Coughlin here.


October 22, 2023

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It absolutely works like a charm whether you’re sitting in the backyard or hiking deep in the woods.

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