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How to keep summer bugs off your patio

Keep bugs away from your patio

Spending time relaxing outdoors with family and friends is one of the summer’s most fun activities. That’s why it’s never a pleasant experience when you have to worry about mosquitoes, flies, gnats or other pesky insects ruining your day. There are several tips, tricks and products you can use to help keep those annoying pests far from your porch or patio, so you can spend less time swatting and more time enjoying the warm summer afternoons.

Best ways to keep bugs away from your patio

By using one, or preferably a combination of these pest control methods, you can significantly decrease the number of insects plaguing your outdoor space, leading to a pest-free environment all summer long.

Increase airflow

Mosquitoes cause itchy bites and irritating buzz, but they can also transmit harmful diseases. Luckily by using a fan to increase airflow, you can keep these pests at bay, considering they are not adept at flying against even moderate wind currents. Some patios may be compatible with outdoor ceiling fans, which you can use to generate both a cooling and mosquito-repellent effect. Other homeowners can use a simple box fan or pedestal fan to achieve the same goal.

Eliminate stagnant water

When water gets trapped in flowerpots, gutters, birdbaths, watering cans or other spaces where it can remain for long periods, it creates the perfect environment for mosquitoes and certain fly species. By making sure your yard and patio are free from stagnant water, you can prevent these pests from laying eggs and perpetuating the issue.

Learn more tips & tricks for keeping bugs away from your patio written by Matthew Young here.


October 29, 2023

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