2021 HuntingLife Gift Guide

Sawyer Micro Squeeze Water Filtration System

The Sawyer Micro Squeeze weighs in at an unbelievable 1.8 ounces. It fits in an included bag and it will fit on just about any water bottle no matter where you travel in the world. This is the lightest water filtration system in existence, and it is rated for up to 100,000 gallons. It removes Bacteria, Protozoa, and Cysts, including E. Coli, giardia, vibrio cholerea, Salmonella typhi, and microplastics all of which are absolutely not good for you. The Sawyer Micro Squeeze retails at under $30.00 and offers packability in your carryon luggage no matter where you fly in the world. We have been using ours over the last year, and it is so nice to have in our pack knowing that we can drink from that cattle stock tank or out of that small stream if the need arises.

Continue reading the complete gift guide written by Kevin Paulson here.


October 28, 2024

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Please consider the environment when packing bug repellent as what you put on will end up in the freshwater rivers and streams of Kauai.

Jordan Fromholz
The Hawaii Vacation Vlog

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The mini-me version of the Sawyer Squeeze is the perfect filter for UL enthusiasts—small enough that it won’t take up much real estate in your backpacking backpack and light enough (even after the final weigh-in) that you can scrub an ounce or more off your spreadsheet.

Laura Lancaster
Outdoor Life

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Its lightweight and non-greasy formula make it a popular choice among outdoor enthusiasts.

Contributing Writer