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Can Ticks Bite Through Leggings? Are You Safe?

I love when warmer weather finally comes around since I can start to get out more, but this also means more ticks. Getting bitten by a tick is something I want to avoid at all costs.

Ticks love warm and grassy areas like parks and woods and they can be somewhat tricky to get rid of once they latch onto you.

A popular method for combating ticks is wearing long clothes/sleeves, but I don’t see anyone wanting to do that if it’s scorching hot outside.

Instead, you’ll probably opt for more breathable clothes like leggings and other moisture-wicking materials. These are especially common with women but I also have a pair of leggings myself and I was wondering if I could wear these bushwalking instead of baggy hiking pants.

But can ticks bite through leggings? Does wearing leggings prevent tick bites?

Ticks cannot bite through leggings, making them great for staying cool and preventing ticks in the warmer months. For the best protection against ticks, combine leggings with long socks over the leggings and use tick repellents that are designed for clothing and fabric.

Find more tips and tricks from Ryan Mclean here.


October 4, 2023

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Ryan McLean

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