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11 Ways to Protect Yourself (and Your Pets) From Ticks

Pick up these expert-approved products that can help you avoid growing tick populations this summer.

Summer hasn’t even started, and worries about exploding tick populations and rising rates of Lyme disease have already reached a fever pitch. Luckily, there are things you can do to reduce your risk of picking up those little parasites—and the diseases they carry—whenever you head outdoors.

Health asked Jody Gangloff-Kaufmann, an entomologist at Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and Stalin Vilcarromero, MD, assistant professor of research medicine at Stony Brook University, about the best products you can buy to protect yourself against ticks this summer. Here’s what they recommend.

See the full list by Amanda MacMillan on's website here.


October 10, 2023

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