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The 12 Best Filtered Water Bottles

By: Sarah H.

Water – can’t live without it…that’s the end of the thought.  You can’t live without it.  Unfortunately, most of us don’t track how much water we consume, and as a result, are likely failing to get the requisite eight glasses (or 64 ounces) per day.  That’s just the baseline.  If you’re an active individual, you actually need even more water to remain healthy and hydrated, because you have to replenish any you lose through sweat.

Although single-use water bottles are convenient, they’re not doing our environment any favors, so you may be understandably opposed to them.  The good news is, there’s no shortage of reusable options to help you improve hydration without harming the planet.  The only real problem is choosing the best product.

Do you have to get a metal water bottle, or are some plastic options ok?  What if you want to drink filtered water but you’re not keen to cart your Brita pitcher hither and yon?  You might be surprised to learn that there are water bottles designed to meet your needs on every front, with durable, BPA-free plastic materials and built-in filters to sanitize your agua.  Here’s the skinny on the best filtered water bottles on the market, and what sets them above the rest.


December 3, 2023

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