Winter hiking is not only fun. It's healthy, too.

Five reasons winter hiking is healthy and fun

The conversation was the same one we have every Thanksgiving. And Christmas. And New Year’s.

I looked at my brother across the table.

“So,” I said, “what time should I pick you up?”

“Pick me up? For what?” he asked.

“For hiking. It gets dark sooner now than before, but if I come out early enough we can still hit a trail or two, get in a few miles,” I answered.

That’s when the eye rolling, the head shaking, the smirking and the commands to just go away started.

My brother, as I well know, is not a hiker, despite my best efforts to get him into the woods. To him, the thought of wandering a forested path in the chill that marks this season especially is appalling.

He’s missing out.

Walking the spare, yet beautiful, cold and snowy woods is fun, even invigorating, and good for you, too.

Consider these five reasons for hiking in winter.

See the full article by Bob Frye on Trib LIVE's website here.


October 21, 2023

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