Brandon Butler: Time to prepare for turkey season

It’s going to be here before you know it.

Words once used to quell anticipation for Christmas morning now stir the same sort of butterflies when uttered in relation to the upcoming turkey season. For the lucky few who have made the trek to Florida or somewhere else that’s open early, the season is already underway. While the rest of us await our own openers, we are blessed with time to prepare.

I’m not sure when my first opening morning will be. I have a coveted Nebraska tag burning a hole in my pocket. The idea of going after one with a bow is growing on me. If I don’t do that, then April 15, the opening day in Missouri, will be my first hunt of the year. Along with the two aforementioned states, I also plan to turkey hunt in Massachusetts this spring.

With a little over a month to prepare, I’m going to begin this weekend by taking my turkey hunting storage box off the shelf in my barn. This treasure chest houses my clothes, loaded vest and other turkey hunting accessories. Taking inventory of my goods is always enjoyable. I’m able to inspect the quality of what I have on hand, plan for any necessary repairs or replacements, and figure out what additions are needed to complete my repertoire.

Learn more ways to prepare for turkey season, written by Brandon Butler here.


October 27, 2024

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Brandon Butler

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