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12 camping essentials for fall

Here are the things you need for an easy weekend vacation

By: Paige McQueen

Now is the time to take full advantage of the cool weather to get out and explore. Even if you've never camped before, you can have a fantastic experience with just a little bit of gear and some preparation. Below are some of our favorite camping essentials to get ready for a few nights away from it all.

10. Insect repellent

Don’t underestimate what a nuisance mosquitoes can be into the late summer and early fall; those pesky buggers are enough to ruin your weekend. A good insect repellent can help keep your campsite free of pests.

sawyer insect repellent
Photo (c) Bass Pro
  • Odorless spray for clothes, tents and bags
  • Repels mosquitoes, ticks and more

Read about the rest of Paige's fall camping essentials here.


October 30, 2023

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It absolutely works like a charm whether you’re sitting in the backyard or hiking deep in the woods.

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