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Best Products to Keep Ticks Off Your Body

It seems like most everywhere you put your boots to the ground, there is something out there that’ll bite, stick, or prick you. There are all kinds of critters, pests, and plants that can leave their mark on your body if you get too close.

And while some might live in fear of bears and the boogieman, ticks seem to be a much more common threat to hunters and outdoorsmen when they step into the woods in the warm weather months.

So how you do you go about repelling these tiny blood suckers? What can you do to prevent them from making the journey to your skin?

Below you’ll find some of the best products to keep ticks off your body as you spend time hunting, working, and hanging out in the outdoors throughout the spring, summer, and early fall months. Thankfully, there are more tick preventative products available today than ever before.

Here’s a look at some of the best products to help you keep ticks off your body this year. Find the complete article written by Brodie Swisher here.


October 3, 2023

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Brodie Swisher

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