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For our long-term Gift Guide, we racked our brain and drew up a list of nearly 80 of our most prized pieces of bikepacking gear, at a variety of price points. Think of this as a roster of goods already proven their worth… gifts that promise to keep on giving, over thousands of miles, all around the world.

For our ongoing gift guide, we’ve decided to take a step back, comb through our assorted belongings, and separate the gear we’ve really put through the grinder — and never leave home without. So, as the year draws to a close, allow us to offer a gift guide in the form of a curated collection of some of our most cherished bikepacking gear, much of which has already given us several years of service.

Most importantly, all of the gear included has exceeded our expectations in the realm of durability, perhaps one of the most important factors in choosing bikepacking gear. Indeed, everything featured in this gift guide has already stood the test of time. It’s all survived the wrath of the elements. And it’s all gear that’s so well designed, it still gives us a small amount of joy each and every time we use it… just as we hope it will to your lucky someone.

This list was originally compiled by editors Logan Watts, Cass Gilbert, and Lucas Winzenburg back in 2017 and was updated in November, 2021. It’s organized by price, from least expensive to most costly. Each piece of gear includes a link to a review if applicable, the name of who it’s been recommended by, and links to where it can be purchased.

You can read the updated article here.


October 5, 2023

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Bikepacking Team

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