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If mosquitos always seem to find you outdoors, no matter how many layers or sprays you have on, grab this DEET-free insect repellent lotion, stat.

This lotion contains picaridin, a synthetic compound found in many insect repellent products that is safe for humans to apply topically (though it’s been found to be toxic to fish, so you won’t want to go swimming with this on).

It’s touted as being a camping must-have by reviewers, leaving behind virtually no grease or odor, but repelling biting bugs very effectively.

See the full list from Melanie Yates and Danielle St. Pierre on Best Product's website here.


December 3, 2023

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At, our editors provide personalized recommendations. We know there's no one-size-fits-all option for a product or a service. It depends on what you're looking for, how much you want to spend, and so many more factors. Don't settle for a product that isn't going to work for you. We pick out several top-rated options that pass our test, then we leave it to you to narrow it down to the one that best fits your needs (because not everyone wants to splurge on a new 4K TV or a night's stay at one of the world's most priciest hotels). We provide options for everyone, so no matter what you're looking for, you can find it.

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