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Best Backpacking Water Purifiers from Mountain Weekly News

Water is the most important resource we have. Life wouldn’t be possible without it, let alone having fun outdoors. And while there is certainly a lot of water about, most of it isn’t safe to drink as it is. For this reason hikers, paddlers, climbers, and all seek the best portable water filter for their needs.

The good news is that there’s plenty of options on the market now, so no matter how specific your need or preference there’s probably a perfect water filter for you. The bad news is that there are so many options it can be hard to sift through them all to find that best portable water filter for you. So we made a list of some of the best options out there, helping you focus on what’s important – spending more time doing what you love and less time figuring out how to shop for the best water filters.

See the full guide from Jim O'Leary on Mountain Weekly News' website here.


October 30, 2023

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Mountain Weekly News

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Founded in 2008, the Mountain Weekly News is an outlet for people with a purpose to get outdoors. The Mountain Weekly News family of product testers, outdoor writers & photographers, bring to life one of the top-ranking outdoor gear review sites that transition readers into online consumers via honest product reviews you count on.

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